Project information

Critter Conflict is a strategy game made over nine weeks by a twelve-man team in Tengine for the PS4.
My roles on this project included game design, prototyping, level design, UI design, scripting in C++, gameplay testing and project management.

This was our second game project at PSQ.
Our team had two game designers, five graphical artists, three programmers and two sound technicians. We chose to make a strategy game for console and despite the scope of the genre and the difficulties involved with adapting such a genre to console, the game was completed successfully.

For me, it was a learning opportunity in ways to solve the design challenges that presents itself when working towards a console, such as screenspace and controls.
On the management side, I got a lot of practice in how to manage scope and prioritizing assets for an efficient pipeline. I additionally learned more about working with C++ in practice, as we designers used it for direct implementation of gameplay.

Post Mortem

About this game

Critter Conflict is a two-player strategy game made for console.

In this game, each player takes control of a colony of mice on opposite ends of a forest glade, struggling against each other to be the colony to end up with enough food to survive the oncoming winter.

To win, the players must send different types of mice against each other, help them navigate through the forest, fight other mice and use special abilities, grab the acorns from the enemy base and help them safely back to their home colony.

The game combines the gameplay of balancing offense vs defense from classic capture and aspects of the lane-based level design from games such as League of Legends and DotA to arrive at a quick-paced game dependent on swift tactical decisions, designed for short rounds and to be simple in execution compared to large-scale strategy games.
